Mindfulness is in.

If you want to get past the hype and dive into a more systemic way of understanding all the hullabaloo around mindfulness, this may be a place to start.

👋 I am Jay - I'm a curious human with a day job, and lots of side projects going on at any one time. Including this. Think of these page as my ongoing Journal - as I discover and keep adding, classifying things. And you're very welcome to comment, contribute.

A quick overview

Why are you here?

Whatever be your reason, the practice of mindfulness - strengthened via meditation, can help. How you ask?

"When we talk about meditation, I think it’s really helpful to see it alongside mindfulness. The two things are different, but at the same time we can’t really separate them." Andy Puddicombe

All about nothing: An Intro to Mindfulness & Meditation

Let Andy Puddicombe explain. Andy spent a decade as an ordained Tibetian Buddhist monk in the Indian Himalayas, before going on to be a meditation teacher and eventually co-founded Headspace. This short TED talk should hopefully illustrate and answer a few questions...
